"My husband and I had not had a decent night’s sleep for over 5 years. My son, who is 12, never slept through the night. For one reason or another he kept waking up and being so frightened of what might happen that he kept coming in to us. He was fine if he slept in the same room as us but, obviously, this was putting strain on our relationship. He also lacked confidence during the day and was unhappy at school.
We went to Margaret after my son had endless counselling and behavioural therapy sessions which didn’t work. After just 4 hypnotherapy sessions, my son is now sleeping through the night and, if he does wake up, he has learnt to deal with the situation without disturbing us.
Child says: “Margaret has made me feel not frightened and more confident. I found my sessions with her made me more relaxed.”
Thank you so much, Margaret – you really are a miracle worker! K"
Adolescent with Sleep Difficulties
"My daughter had become very anxious at bedtime following a house break-in. The whole bedtime routine became ridiculous for everyone in the family as she would only settle if there was total silence. The slightest noise would unsettle her and this became stressful. She would also wake several times in the night and this resulted in broken sleep, followed by irritation, anxiety and lots of anger, which I attributed to lack of sleep. This affected me as she would often wake me during the night for reassurance.
A friend suggested hypnotherapy but I was a bit worried as I had never heard of hypnotherapy being used with children. I did some research and found it was widely used and found to be very effective. I found Margaret via the internet and called her immediately. We had a conversation on the phone and I was very hopeful that maybe we could get this problem sorted. I must admit I didn't fully explain what the session was to my daughter, only that she was going to talk to someone who would be able to help her with her anxiety and anger.
Following the first session, there was almost an instant change in her. She was more relaxed, sleep came easily and we had a knock on effect, only this time it was a positive one. She went on to have more sessions with Margaret who uncovered some issues with self confidence and separation anxiety. My daughter was only a baby when my husband and I separated. She was very young when she had to leave me and spend alternative weekends and holidays with her dad and his girlfriend.
My daughter has matured into a confident and happy teenager and I am so happy that I took the chance and tried hypnotherapy."
Sleep, Quality of Life & Smoking Cessation
"....Every night was a struggle for me to get to sleep with the ache in my back worsening to a sharp, knife-like pain. My sleep was disrupted every night and I felt exhausted and groggy in the mornings.
I contacted Margaret Walsh to give up smoking and felt at ease straight away. It was a pleasure meeting one of the most thoughtful and kindest ladies while receiving help at the same time.
......My sleep is not disrupted at all now. I’m in bed at ten every night and up at seven, sleeping all the way through. Thank you, Margaret, for helping me through a very rough time in my life. It’s really made a difference to me. MO, Crawley"