If you are experiencing difficulties of any description, please do give me a ring on 07867 797 131, so that we can speak in confidence and I can advise you on how I can help. After all, hypnosis can be used to treat anything.
It's important to note** here that I have successfully treated many traumas, such as: rape, sexual abuse, near death experience, loved ones dying, pregnancy termination, planned suicide, and more. I want to assure prospective clients that lifting a trauma is treated in an entirely comfortable, dissociative way. In fact, I don't even need to know details of the trauma in order to treat it quickly and effectively. Some clients choose not to disclose information about the trauma so we agree a codeword beforehand, that I refer to in the hypnosis and the client knows what I'm talking about. That's the beauty of using THE most effective technique there is for lifting trauma.
I have successfully treated many children, adolescents and teenagers, usually for anxiety, stress, panic attacks, phobias, blushing and lack of confidence.
Be assured that it is completely safe for children to experience hypnosis. (Please go to the Hypnosis page to read how trance is safe and occurs naturally every day.)
I always conduct a free of charge Consultation (with parent present) before booking a full session for a child so that we can have an informal chat about school, friends, hobbies etc, I can explain about hypnosis and how it happens, how I can help, for the child to get to know me a little, to experience a hypnosis 'taster' (parents can experience the taster too) and for the child to decide if they want to work with me. There is no pressure to book a full session; in fact I ask the child to go away and have a think about whether he or she wants to work with me.
I can say, with confidence, that every child I have seen engaged extremely well and they have all experienced positive results. In fact, because children are so open and trusting and have fantastic imaginations, they make great hypnotic subjects.
If your child or teenager has experienced a trauma, please read the paragraph above** and be assured that it is not necessary for any client to go over painful memories which, I believe, serves to perpetuate the problem.